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Indian Army is the second name of discipline and things that happen in the academy makes you strong to fight against your enemy and your emotionsduring deployments. Indian Army has troops strength of around 1.3 million in active service. Indian army is one of the biggest employers in the world, yet one the most disciplined organizations in the world. Indian Army didn’t just make the soldiers stand in line and told them the do’s and don’t for rest of their service in the army.
Indian Army has various institutions which turns a normal civilian into a warrior full of discipline, knowledge, and courage. Many cadets who usually have no idea what kind of training they will face when they join the army, even in the first weeks many want to quit. It gets hard due to extreme physical and mental training which is not less than a torture. After some days they adapt the routine but there is no place of leniency in the discipline in the army, that’s why whenever they commit anything which is against the rules they face punishment or “Ragda” as they say it.
There are eight most common methods of Ragda which are:
  1. Running with backpack while hands up and carrying heavy dummy rifles
    Running is the most common punishment in the academies like NDA, AFA, INA and IMA. It could be any mistake for which you can have the punishment of running for 5 km or few rounds of parade grounds. The cadets have to run with anything backpacks, guns and what not. If you are late in class or roll call, start running. If the task isn’t completed, start running.
Indian Cadets running a cross country
2. Maharaja
Maharaja is one of the most famous punishments adopted by various military training institutions, in this punishment, you have to lift your body vertically by the support of only your head, the pain in this punishment could be unbearable but it improves the brotherhood among cadets.
Indian cadets during Maharaja position
3. Drill roasting
Parade or drill is one of the important parts of the personality of any Indian soldier, he/she should be perfect in the drill. If you are not doing the drill properly then you can be roasted in front of every cadet, and it can get worse, if it happens to you. Also, Your leaves and liberty can be cancelled.
Cadets having fun after POP
4. After roasting, how about some crawling in wired trench.
Another common punishment is crawling on the small trench, wired from above. It is very exhaustive punishment and sometimes the trench is filled with mud, making it a real nightmare.
5. Cold Water Crawling
Cold water crawling is fun unless its winter season, in this exercise your has to move forward in the water with your hands on your back.
Cadets crawling in cold water
6. Front roll a.k.a Gulati
Everyone has done front rolls in their childhood but in the academy, they just raise the toughness of the roll by adding heavy backpacks. You have to roll on the hard surface which can break your body terribly, and on the hot days, it is no less than hell.
Front roll punishment
Source – SSBCrack
7. Drenched with fellow course mates
If you ask a cadet about one of the best feeling he had in the academy, he can possibly tell you about his memory of getting drenched with his course mates. It is fun when we start but pains later, but you enjoy it cause it is with your brothers.
Cadets getting drenched with coursemates
8. Pick up the heaviest

This punishment is given during the route march when some cadet is caught resting during the march. The gentleman cadet has to pick and carry the heaviest cadet in the march, so don’t stop.