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How do I win NCC best cadet award?

To become a best cadet is not easy task. You have to master all the things specified in his answer.
1. Written test
You have to write 2 exams. One is a general knowledge test. As the name suggests it is purely a GK test with an onus on current affairs. The other one is pertaining to your field i.e army,navy or air force. For prep the only advice I can give you is to sleep with your books and prep material.
2. Posture, drill and discipline
I don't have to explain to you on its importance. Everything will be expected to be of the highest order and anything less will not be tolerated.
3. Gun control and firing
I  do not know if u have previous experience in firing but needless to say, excelling in it will b a big boost to your chances of winning the award.
4. Vocabulary and grammar
Good vocabulary and grammar is of prime importance. Besides if will be of great help in conversing in the camp.
5. Confidence
This is expected from you at all times. There will be separate tests in specific topics but this will b the only thing tested in all the areas.
Hope I was of help. Cheers.